Sunday 27 January 2013

Quiet for a while.........

Apologies for the lack of blogging, but its been a bit mental here.

The kids have both been poorly,
Ive been run down,
My sisters PND got much worse and she has been put forward for mental health assessments because she was having suicidal thoughts,
So there's been a councillor sticking their nose in our business, trying to get us to undertake a joint counselling session together which has brought up some horrid memories that I don't care to relive.
Owen hates his job and that situation has gotten worse,
His dad lost his job,
We had our NTL cut off in the cold weather so we had no TV, phone or Internet for about 5 days.
Wow its been cold

and amongst all that I have been just carrying on, as I always do.

I really should look into whoever it was who suggested freezing cheese - I have found this an amazing money saver - in work we reduced down cheese but it hardly ever sells so I brought home last week two blocks of mature welsh cheddar, which I divided each block into 3 and so had 6 mini blocks of that, and I brought home 4 large blocks of red Leicester cheese which again I divided into 3 each so I now have 12 small blocks of that as well frozen in the freezer. I tend to take it out, defrost it then chuck it in the food processor and grate it up as and when its needed because I find it went clumpy when I froze it pre grated.

Still a very good tip and I promise to give credit where its due when I find out who it was!

Aside from that we are struggling this month with Owen being paid December 16th and then nothing until the 31st January. It is a long month for us so I have had to lend him money £160 to be precise because it was Josh's birthday (his eldest son) and the £60 for fuel but he has assured me I will get this back on the 31st which is his pay day.
Also March cant come quick enough - we are in a council property which means March for us is a rent free month and also a council tax free month - so altogether we will have £537 which would normally cover these two bills. Owen pays the £430 rent and with his he is going to pay off a small debt he has and one of his credit cards (£200) so he will have about £40 left I think but he will be almost debt free. My £107 I'm not entirely sure what to do with yet but I think I will pay it into my credit union account and let it fester in there for a rainy day or towards the summer holidays so I can get out and do things with the kids.

I'm also considering in September when Holly starts school - putting her into an after school club - she may be mornings 9-12 or afternoons 12 - 3 but if she is in the mornings I may ask for her to go to an afternoon club and then I can pick up a few extra morning shifts from 9.15 until say 2.15 then I can pick her up on the way to collect Ben which may help our financial situation a fair bit again.

Anyway I will now be about a fair bit more again now that everything seems to be sorting itself out.

Hope your all well

Sammy x x x

1 comment:

  1. One money saving tip I was taught was to add oats to mince to make it go further and it doesn't really alter the taste.
    I'm sorry things are so tight for you at the moment. I often forget how lucky I am to love what I do and recieve a good wage for it. I hope march eases the pressure for you and you have no unforseen costs. At least your staying possitive about it.
