Tuesday 11 September 2012

A bit of good news for once

In all the heartbreak that September 11th brings I have had two small glimmers of good news.

Firstly, my heart felt best wishes to all those poor souls who lost their lives in September 11, 2001. My thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones at this time of remembrance and to all the 343 firefighters, police officers and medical staff who gave their all to help them - I hope god blesses you and your lives. Lest We Forget. R.I.P

Secondly, my workmates after a rather traumatic pregnancy and long labour that ended in an emergency C Section has given birth to a healthy baby Boy called Ryan yesterday who weighed 7lb 11ozs. Congratulations honey!

Thirdly, my grandmother had undergone her last lot of chemotherapy today and is OFFICIALLY in remission after a very long and hard 3 year battle with Non-Hodkin Lymphoma. Not once has she moaned, whined or complained but simply got on with it but she is an Irish ex matron edlerly nurse/ Battle Axe so I expected nothing less, but still congratulations Nan, I love you

Hope everyone else is having a good day

Funny how things seem so trivial sometimes x

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