Wednesday 9 February 2011

I am alive ~ just.......possibly.........sleep deprived I think is the correct terminology though!
I am about just having one of those months I think!

*Washing machine blew up
*Abby had her surgery today and isn't recovering as expected
*Mums been diagnosed with depression and hasn't been eating
*Best friend struggling with things
*Another friend has just attempted suicide and been released from
hospital so am at her beckon call at the minute
*Another friend has been paralyzed in hospital due to prolapsed discs in
her back so been looking after her two kids and dog.


But I am about - my poor blog has suffered too, my posts have been non existent on any boards at all. Have been arguing with Owen and to top it off money has been tight because of the bloody washing machine!

But I am me and you all know what I'm like!

Washing machine replaced thanks to coop electrical store, so discount and a friend lending me £60 towards it so landed to have that back. Would have cost £240 but I had it for £160 and it would of cost £220+ to mend the old one!

Sister has literally been out of surgery for about 1.5hours and not responding as they think she should so shes in the best place at the minute and has our cousin and gentlemen 'friend' with her.

My mum - I cant do anything but listen and try not to stress her out too much and help where I can so have treated her to a pick n mix of her favorite things and have been making sure to feed her when I see her even if its a cup of tea and a sticky finger bun! plus sending a few of my BOGOF/ discount stuff home with her

Best friend and other suicidal friend - if they ring I have to answer it - whether its 3pm or 3am as the suicidal one tried to overdose by crushing sleeping pills into her tea although just how I'm meant to help I don't know but I cant not. Other one cant get past her dad passing away and the fact that I'm settled with kids and our other best friend got married so she feels left behind.

Friend with prolapsed discs is almost reliant on me at the minute - shes been released from hospital and her mum helps her with basic care - dressing/bathing etc - but Ive had to look after pup, her mum lets the dog out but refuses to touch him etc, I have to go shopping with her, school runs/ medicines etc. Phone calls and money collecting on her behalf from post office etc. Plus her son took a turn in school the other day, was stood in line, suddenly went pale and his lips turned blue but he has quite severe asthma and she ran to the school as quick as she could, although hes fine but now sh has been suffering for the last few days.

Plus the normal day to day stuff, with my two kids, Owen and dog, school runs, footy practice, football matches etc. Sammy Kaye is almost dead on her feet and in need of a full nights sleep since holly has been teething!

On top of all that Ive just taken on the 'better reading' challenge in Benjies school which is 2 hours a week to learn how to help kids improve their reading but after the first 10 weeks learning phrase you go on to do more work and training and it eventually gets you a level 3 NVQ so can only help really - just waiting for the CRB check to finish but its only 2 hours a week.

Right off to make sausage casserole with mashed tatties, then off up the hill to feed her mob. Wish she lived closer its about 3hrs total between getting there, sorting everything, and coming home and its a bloody steep hill she lives on top of!


1 comment:

  1. Just read your post and had to comment to wish you well - it never rains but it pours!

    I know the feeling with the teething, Baby T is nearly 6 months and started the teething process at Christmas, feel like I've no slept this year!

    Best wishes

    Mrs T xxx
