Tuesday 25 December 2012

New Year

I have decided this need more of an effort on my part. There's no excuse basically why I cant make more posts on here other than I am very easily distracted and that just wont cut the mustard anymore.

We have had a lovely Christmas - the kids got everything they wanted. My favourite present was a video game and my beloved new food processor and I can honestly tell you I'm not sure which one I'm happier about! I cant wait to get cooking with it.

I have been busily sat thinking of goals and resolutions for the coming New Year. I would like to set myself 3 personal resolutions I think and then maybe one for Ben and One for Holly which is more goals I would like to achieve for them as they are both 8 and 2 at present.

I think my 3 are going to be to

1. save money.
I am currently skint, as in I have enough in my bank to cover my bills and then I may possibly have £10 to last me until my next pay day.........which is the 15th of January!  So Id like to save money and actually have some savings so that in case of a rainy day I have money on hand to help myself out, treat the kids etc......and just in general not have to worry about it!

2. Lose Weight
This I guess goes hand in hand with eating properly too and exercising - I think this year I have pretty much lived on rubbish food and toast. That's not healthy but I also think I have a few pounds........OK stone that it wouldn't hurt to shift and I'm pretty much about 13st I think now so Id like to get down to 11st and then Ill be happy, as for exercise I walk the school run 4 times a day, about 3 times a week as my  neighbour sometimes offers to take Ben and I have been lazy and agreed and I work part time so I am on my feet the whole shift (one is 5hrs long and the other is 7hrs long) either way I need to fit more in!

3. Get more sleep!
I think I am literally surviving on about 4 hrs a night. I mean tonight I went to bed at 10.30pm and was back up at 3am but my son Ben was ill but most other days I don't go to bed until midnight if not later and I'm usually up by 4am, so come about 12 lunchtime I am usually ready for a nap and by 8pm I am falling asleep in the chair. I think I need to set a bedtime and stick to it. I think seeing as my Sunday shift doesn't end until 10pm that maybe I should make my bedtime 10.30 at the latest from now on, if not earlier.

These aren't finalised yet but just my latest musings. I will finalise them before new year though! x

x Sammy x

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