Sunday 24 February 2013

Doggy update

Pooches update

I made her an appointment with our local vet the next morning and explained the situation. I was told
1. Shes not microchipped
2. She is not 6/7 years old like we thought, she is in fact only just 2 if that going by her teeth health.
3. Shes very underweight and weighs just 7lbs 7ozs. She's having problems getting onto the sofa where she seems to like sleeping because she is so frail , but we have given her a bed on the floor that she can literally walk onto but she prefers the sofa on a blanket we put there for her.
4. Shes an intact female (not neutered)
5. She may be having a reaction to the fleas, or it may be mange on her hind legs - am to leave it two weeks and if no improvement with Frontline take her back for another medication.
6. Vet 'off the record commented' himself that maybe its best the owners weren't found as it was clearly an abandonment issue and no animal should be left to suffer like that.
7. Vet gave me four free worming tablets to treat her for worms/lungworm.
8. Once she is healthy again, we can discuss vaccinations and neutering her if shes still with me.
Apart from that I got her out of the car on the way home and she ran straight to our front door with her tail wagging, straight in and onto the spot where she's slept all night. She has made herself right at home but my only concern is whether she will get on with our dog.
I showed her and Bruno (my JRT) each other through the baby gate (I should explain Bruno is currently in our kitchen/diner which is seperated from the living room by a door which also has a baby gate in it at present) and whilst he was whining and wanting to meet her she seems shy, came to my legs for two seconds and then back to her seat on the sofa, since then she has growled at him but I think its more nervousness, the last few minutes we introduced them my partner had Bruno our dog whilst I sat near her, she did growl occassionally but they got within about a meter of each other with no noise until he looked at her and she growled at him and we promptly seperated them.
Yesterday we left them seperate but took them for a walk together, he was in front and her behind and they walked fine, they were within inches of each other and no aggression. She did snap at him though when we stopped face to face and he licked her but I think she is possibly an only dog before and still a bit confused at this bouncy white thing that she has to suddenly get use to. Bruno was good as gold and looked like hed been a naughty teenager.
We have had them both in the living room together, whilst my partner sat with Bruno and I sat with her, there was a little growling but as soon as she was told 'hey' she stopped and they sat briefly before she went back to her blanket. Her spot is the sofa though and thats when she tends to get a bit snarly when he wants to go there.

I wanted to add that I rung my work Friday morning and again yesterday as she was left tied up outside it and no one has been in to ask or enquire about her.
We have since re-named her Mabel rather than coop dog.
As yet no contact or attempts to find her that I am aware of have been made but I am keeping a file of photos and information of the care I've provided in case it is needed.
Only other concern at present is that if her snoring gets much louder she may start rattling the glass out the windows........

we would love to keep her as she is so sweet natured and loving, and she is really good with our children (aged 2yrs and 8yrs). Im hoping we are going the right way about introducing the two dogs, little and often for the minute but we are hoping as she heals and feels more settled that she will mellow a bit. We have my sister in laws crate that we can use if it might be worthwhile but we obviously dont want to rush anything......

Apart from that yesterday we went and got her a lead, collar, name tag, bed and coat.......and more flea stuff for Bruno - needless to say with everything brought for a second dog we came home almost £70 lighter but we are hoping it will be worth it and at the end of the day we did a good thing and gave a little doggy a life back 

Right pictures - after 3 days

Nicknamed 'Foxy Bingo' by my sister in law


Contortionist practice?

The safest place to hide and where she seems to spend 90% of her time just watching and snoring.

Till next time peeps :-) 
x x x

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