Saturday 16 February 2013

Some nice news for a change......

Well I have to say , I decided recently that removing negative people from my life was going to be best decision for me. After a particularly difficult few weeks when my best didn't seem good enough and in the long run it was only me getting hurt and making myself sick - I realised that it was their influence and their attitudes that were doing it. As a result I have removed myself from my sister.
Now I know this will probably seem harsh but my sister is a liar and a manipulator, she has gotten thousands of pounds from those around her with no intention to pay them back and then plays the victim and its me who gets it in the neck, I was only keeping contact with her for the sake of her girls. My nieces will always know they have me to turn to as they seem to spend more time with my cousins and auntie than they do their own mother. My eldest niece I speak to weekly when shes at my aunties, my middle niece who lives with her father I talk to weekly, the only one I have little contact with is A but she is only 4 months old and I have informed the health visitor for her that I am concerned of my sisters care level so she is keeping a close eye on her.
So now I have very little to do with that side of the family. My sister is exactly like my mother in every sense and I have not seen her since October 2011 and I spoke to her once last year because my sister told me she was struggling finacially to the point she couldn't feed herself and I thought as the eldest daughter I was obliged to help so I stepped in, gave her £60 for a food shop and never heard from her again, Not even a thank you. probably the best £60 I've spent. 
In the last 3 years Ive given my sister maybe £300 , and never once had a thank you or an offer of any of it back. Ive seen her once, when she came down because I had promised to lend her money, she got her £100 and in the process gave the kids the norovirus. Great. 
My new outlook on life now means my children and my family deserve my all. They have burnt their bridges on their own and I will no longer worry about them.  

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.  ~Mary Engelbreit

Here I am mid February and guess what I actually have money!

I took bill paying money out the other day only to find that when I went to pay my council tax that I had actually overpaid and so had this month council tax free AND next month! So that left me with £107 in my pocket this month that I didn't expect. I did use some and buy bits and pieces for the house - the rabbits Sawdust and Hay and a big bag of food and I got Holly some Wellington boots because the weather here is ridiculous and she needs some as she only has open top little shoes (typical its been torrential rain, brought her wellys and its been glorious sunshine since!)

But I have hidden away £70 upstairs that is to remain untouched that Owen doesn't know about (which you may think sounds harsh but if he knows its there he will find something to spend it on that's not needed or expect to be bailed out on a bill or charge again and I cant do it any more  I need to get some savings together for the kids sake and my sanity.

In one bank account I still have £180 - £150 of this needs to go on bills but it will leave me with £30 that I never normally have.

In my second bank account I have £63.

So I'm happy I normally have like £20 left by now so to be at this point of the month with £163 is awesome. I'm trying my best to not spend anything that I don't need. The only two bills I have to pay are the two I've made allowances for so the £163 could stay untouched unless the kids need something. I'm thinking if I keep the £70 hidden upstairs and let myself have a £50 allowance for food until the 12 / 13th March then I can put the £110 into savings.

****Also I have just realised I haven't had wages yet, so on the 21st I will have £121 left of my £280 wages (should be £300 but I put £20 into my credit union savings account direct from wages) so I should potentially be able to save £230 this month.....  I just need to stick to my £50 allowance for the next month.

Fingers crossed this is accomplish-able.

I have also had a nice letter this morning from the council. Our rent is going DOWN, yes you read that right DOWN from £94.94 a week to £88.73 a week.

So we were paying
£94.94 x 49 = £4652.06
and we will be paying
£88.73 x 49 = £4347.77
I make that a saving of £304.29 a year. Owen pays the rent but it will be nice to have spare money there so he can catch up on his other bills and debts.

Our water is now going to go through the welsh water company as well and it says we may get a slight reduction in that because we have two children under 19 in the household so we will see - we were paying £9.29 a week but I always paid £40 per month so we slightly only marginally overpaid on this too.

So things feel a bit lighter in my little mad house. Keeping the positive attitude going is clearly the way to go.....
To all of you who have taken the time to read my blog ~ I thank you, to all the blogs I read ~ I am thoroughly enjoying them and to all the blogs I am yet to find ~ I look forward to it.

Have a wonderful day all, the sun is shining.

x x x


  1. Sammy, did you ever get that payment sorted with the council that you didn't have a receipt for and they couldn't find on the system??


    1. Hi Mama67,
      No they never did find our payment and because it was a cash transaction they couldnt even trace it back to our cards or anything.
      Thankfully now we are back up to date with our rent and water though and we are ahead with our council tax.

