Tuesday 12 February 2013

February.......a short month so its been busy!

You'd think that a month that only had 28 days would pass by relatively easily.

hhhmmmmm................yeah ok

Where shall we start? My sister and me are no longer talking. Her issues got a bit too much and to top off a very long story I worried about my nieces and their health and safety, she didnt like it and therefore in no uncertain terms told me to leave them alone.
Then I found out the day after through my cousin that my youngest niece who is 4 months is in hospital with a blood infection, she spent 3 days in complete isolation as they treated her for suspected meningitis and then they released her home, and my sister was meant to take her back yesterday for blood results to see what exactly they are treating but she didnt. So now I have no idea what's going and if my niece is even ok.

My mother (who I have had no contact with for the last 2 years) has gotten herself a new job which means my sister may actually need to stand on her own two feet for a change - her and my mother are usually surgically attached so she may struggle somewhat which is why my cousin is keeping me informed about how my nieces are as she lives down the road from them and sees them every other day at least.

My father in law also got a new job, so that is some stress off them for a while. My mother in law is now babysitting her daughters 3 children in the day too so she is getting £50 a week for that whilst her daughter has gone back to work full time. So all in all it is working pretty well

Money wise - I was paid child benefit today - £130.
* £30 into my bank account to get Ben some new school shoes
* £30 spent in Iceland on mainly vegetables and quick bits Owen can cook when I'm in work
* £40 in Tesco on a small shop that should last us 2 weeks
* £15 in Wilkinsons on mainly Hay/Sawdust for the rabbits and dental sticks for Bruno.
* £5 for a cup of hot chocolate and a drink for the kids each
* £6 for the Taxi home
Total spent ~ £126.

My freezer is not far from full though, there are main ingredients in the fridge and enough bits and pieces to make us meals for a good two weeks so we are ok in that sense. The pets have enough food and I can bake if need be.
Ive also been looking into books Id like to read, and have found a few that interest me so I will add them to my reading list.

Hope you are all having a good week, and I am in the midst of clearing things out to make some space and finally get the house sorted.

x x x

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