Sunday 24 March 2013

Time to finish.....(all these things).....Ive started

I'm a hypocrite

I am usually the one nagging Owen because he takes things apart and never rebuilds them, or makes all these plans and never follows them, or starts things but never finishes them......

until yesterday when I realised I am no better.

I was tidying round, 'potching' as we call it - putting little things away that had clearly been left waiting for me to do such a chore.....and kept coming across little things that I kept thinking to myself ' I must do that.......I must watch that.......I must finish reading that'.

So in the end I made a list of the things I haven't finished and shamefully it looks something like this

Things to finish reading
Valentinos Rossi's book
Janni Kowalskis book
The Kite Runner - won it but havent actually started reading it
Long Way Down - again I have it but havent started reading it

Cross Stitches
Shamefully I have had a tiger cub one since I was 12 and its still not finished and even worse is it needs literally about 30 stitches in the same colour and outlining to be complete.
A daffodil tablecloth I brought to give to my nan for her birthday (that was yesterday) and its got maybe one flower sewn on it.

Films To See
I have had Michael Jacksons film I borrowed off a friend before Xmas and never watched
SeaBiscuit - I've never managed to see the whole film
Willow - brought the DVD and haven't watched it (was a favourite as a child though)

need to make a plan of attack
need to decide colours
list of things to get for each room (wardrobes etc)

Plan for the garden
Clean/Clear the garden of junk
Start seeds
seperate spider plant seedlings for friends

Plans to start on
Kennels for dogs in May/July. We are going to see my dad for the night in May and away to my grandparents for two nights in July so need to book them in kennels because no family members can watch them.

and would you believe the bottom of that list said 'find a hobby'........think I have plenty to keep me occupied for a while though!

Besides that nothing much else is going on in the 'Seilam' (that's welsh for madhouse). Mabel seems to be coming out of season and made me and Owen jump yesterday because we brought Bruno in and he was sat on the sofa with me, and suddenly she shot off the sofa with Owen over to where we were. Owen did say as well that Bruno was later sat with him and she came over to get on the sofa with them of her own accord so I think she is getting there slowly. We have also discovered that neither dog likes the spray bottle technique and just having it in the room is enough to deter any naughty behaviour or growling on Miss Mabel's part so we are using that method at the minute rather than telling them off or scolding them etc

Oh yeah and Owen has sprained his ankle messing about in work jumping off palets.

Also Bruno has taken to howling at 5.30am.....not sure if its because he wants out, because he's a bit jealous or if there is something wrong but once we have been down and seen him he is OK hence him being back in the living room when we are all here. Just have to be careful with the kids in the living room and the two dogs so I tend to wait until Holly goes for a nap at 11 and then he comes in because Ben will listen and sit nicely with one dog but Holly runs between the two and winds them both up.

Also confirmed Mabel is very much a mummy's girl.

Right, best be off, breakfast to make and then I think I'm going to make a start on seed sowing. Also think I will take a book to work with me to read on my dinner break, now just need to decide which one.

Have a good sunday all


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your list! I think my to-do list grows quicker than I have time to work on it :)
