Wednesday 18 July 2012

Time To Fly......

I literally am getting bogged down and there seems to be cr*p everywhere

Whether it is the mountain of washing that seems to be resembling Ben Nevis that seems to follow me from room to room, the sink that always looks dirty, forever sweeping the floors, de cluttering the stairs every five minutes, the piece of lego that I have inevitably missed for the last 3 weeks that I find at 11pm when I check my son before going to bed or that one funny smell that I can smell but cant find the cause of! 

I've had enough!

So I have decided to join Fly Lady. 
Now I was always a bit auntie fly lady in the beginning as I dint quite get it and part of me thought well I can do that myself if I get in a routine but yes you guessed it, the routine started on day one and by day two I gave up.....and the house remained the same, me and my partner had the same old argument and things never got anywhere so I'm hoping the organisational skills of fly lady will help

I mean I brought a kitchen table and chairs last year and I think we ate Christmas dinner on it and that was it - it is now buried under a mountain of junk and by junk I mean junk so it is time for a change.

Tomorrow I will indeed take photos of the devastation that is my house and post them as my starting point - shocking I know and I promise to not clean before hand! 

Another of my main issues is I don't seem to have many cleaning things - although in fairness with two small kids and not much cupboard space I tend to keep the minimum but I realise I need things to help with this.

Another thing for me is drying clothes. I don't have much space on this front either but have been shown a nifty invention that hangs in the airing cupboard so might try that as well as buying a new airer. I have two at present and whilst they do get the job done I am really snowed under with washing being that high speed winds not so long ago broke and I mean clean snapped in half my wirrlygig airer so I have had no washing line for the last 6 months and my boyfriend has two speeds ~ slow and stop, unless its motorbike related and then hes full speed.
(Case and point the curtain pole in the living room ~ bearing in mind we have been here over a year ~ was never put up so three months ago I had had enough and decided to put the bleeding thing up myself - which I managed successfully and it hasn't fallen down yet - the same day he came home with wraul plugs and said he was going to do it - TYPICAL!)

so needless to say if I want something done in my house I'm better off doing it myself, by myself, for myself.
My friends always refer to me as a single mum anyway so it makes sense to have that mind set and if you want something doing then your better off doing it yourself. 

Besides as far as cleaning is concerned me and my boyfriend have the same cycle every month as regularly as the other month cycle and it ALWAYS goes the same way

and it goes on,...and on,....and on,....and on.....,and on.........and its been doing that the last 8 years and I think he has ever helped maybe....................other times he whinges complains and bitches until I do it. So I'm not giving him an excuse now and if he insists on being the dirty messy pig then I will show him this blog and prove to him it is not me!

Right Im off to sign up to fly lady! Wish me luck! 

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